Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Plywood Boat Without Epoxy

plywood boat without epoxy

I've built a couple boats. you'll find a lot of debate over epoxy "encapsulation." may people feel it just leads to "checking" on plywood--particularly douglas fir (which is great boat building wood, btw.) and at the most, epoxy alone just penetrates a millimeter or two into the wood. a scratch penetrates that pretty easily.. Neither epoxy paint, nor ceps will seal wood. 100% solids, marine grade epoxy will. several brands (types) of paint actually seal wood better than ceps. an 8'x2' boat can't support much. assuming a real 8'x2' box, without curves, just a box, a 2" draft will yield 166 pounds of displacement. at 3" of draft you'll get about 249 pounds of. I found an interesting thread not long ago on the woodenboat forum about building a small plywood boat without epoxy. that got me wondering if anyone has been successfully building plywood-constructed multihulls nowadays – particularly outrigger canoes – without epoxy encapsulation. epoxy is difficult for me to work with on a large scale..

Boatbuilder news letter #5 from Glen-L Marine Designs

Boatbuilder news letter #5 from glen-l marine designs

Crispy 650 | planing center console boat | small boat plans

Crispy 650 | planing center console boat | small boat plans

plywood boat without epoxy Once you have answers go looking at plans, my page on stitch and glue boat plans, lists many designers who provide kits and plans. there are many boat forums including the wooden boat forum. yahoo groups has are dozens of groups and forums on boat and boatbuilding.. unless you have an exceptional idea for a boat design, it's better to go for already tested plans until you have a bit of experience.. About xl marine df plywood - i ran on to this at glen-l site. look towards the bottom at the heading laminating fiberglass to plywood weight - looks like df ply will cost me about 200 to 220 pounds weight penalty but without epoxy i have little choice. i guess it won't hurt as much at displacement speeds but i am sure there is still some.


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